Check out the premiere of Threnodies at the TD Halifax Jazz Festival July 12-14 at 8pm, at the Neptune Studio Theatre, and on July 17th at 8pm, at the Osprey Arts Centre in Shelburne, Nova Scotia.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Construction - Deconstruction

The past few days we've spent constructing a big section of choreography, but I started getting this gut feeling that it's not quite right. I've been choreographing mostly without the music, trying to give the movement  some autonomy from the music, but I see now that I can't go any further without consideration towards how the two are ultimately going to relate. The music has it's own rhythm and phrasing and so does the movement - when should the two align and when is contrast the better choice? How much 'visual music' (i.e dance) is too much against the complexity of the music? Many questions are floating around in my head. So... I've created a plan (the chicken scratches in the photo below) and tomorrow I'm going to deconstruct (or possibly reconstruct) what we have so far. It's scary to destroy what we've built, but who knows what's on the other side. 

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